Its a sweltering hot summer day as Lord Dude Bro takes his three favorite dogs for an early morning walk. Suddenly a pretty young gal walks, stops and pets his dogs, engages in a brief conversation and is on her way. He stops for a moment and thinks "Wow, she was cute, she'd make a nice doll." Lord Dude, Dude. or "The Dude" as he's called by his friends is quite the fortunate man. "Yeah, you see, when people die they often leave behind stocks and bonds, you know, boring financial instruments that easily get converted to liquid funds. Instead, I got my mom's dolls." When asked how "Dude" spends his days he says "Well, we have quite a few tea parties. And it was quite fun at first. But the dolls started getting demanding. Some dolls wanted Earl Grey and some wanted Lipton. But then some of the German dolls wanted some pretty obscure German teas, and well, they didn't sell them at Walmart. I had to order them o...